
Assessments are individualized to each client's needs, taking into consideration their goals for assessment, presenting issues, and history of prior assessments. Typically, the assessments include both psychoeducational and psychological components to identify academic programming needs and mental health treatment recommendations. 

We assess for ADHD, autism, learning disorders, intellectual delays, giftedness, anxiety and mood disorders in English primarily. Our assessments identify a client’s strengths and needs in order to support their wellbeing at school, at work, and at home. Our assessments are comprehensive and individualized based on the presenting issues and what is needed to answer the referral question. Assessments typically involve a combination of:
  • Clinic intake forms and clinical interviews with clients and/or parents/guardians/informants 
  • Standardized testing to evaluate cognitive, academic, language, and/or memory
  • Standardized and/or research based rating scales to evaluate socioemotional and behavioral functioning and DSM-V-TR diagnostic criteria
  • Reviewing report cards, IEPs, or previous assessments (e.g. OT, speech, etc)

Our "Getting Stated" page provides a link to a request form that we use to help us collect some basic information about you and your request. This will be reviewed by Dr. Ryan, our clinical director, to confirm that we can accept the request, at which point you will be sent a link to our waitlist app. Our current wait time is approximately 9-12 months but this can fluctuate and change over time. With the waitlist app, you will be able to see your positioning and track it over time. We will then contact you about 2--2 months before your anticipated start date to get your file set up, including relevant paperwork like consent forms, background forms, and prior reports if available.


Assessments are charged at the hourly rate of $235/hr with the psychologist and $225/hr with any work done with or performed by the psychometrist. Assessments typically range in total from $3000-$4000. This includes an intake meeting, in person testing or clinical interviews, a feedback meeting, and non-session activities like scoring, file review, consulting with other providers and report writing. Higher costs tend to be associated with older teens/young adults or clients with complex assessment needs. 




We are lucky to have a team of skilled clinical assistants to help with various aspects of assessments, including completing intakes, administering standardized tests with clients, scoring and preparing reports, maintaining clients files, and providing general assistance to the assessment process. Our psychometrists have all been trained at Julia Ryan Psychology, and their work is directly overseen by Dr. Ryan, including regular review cases and direct supervision. 


Our assessments are conducted primarily in English. We are no longer accepting assessments in French. We can support academic testing in French for clients who attend French Immersion, but not for those attending French only schools or for those whose first language or language of comfort is French.
Our assessments include a combination of virtual and in person assessments; virtual only may be an option depending on the presenting issues.


All assessments include a written report of the findings along with tailored recommendations based on a client's unique strengths and needs. The results and recommendations will first be discussed during a feedback meeting, and the report will follow 2-3 weeks after the feedback meeting. Clients are responsible for sharing their report with other providers or with their school. Reports can be waived, or made shorter, to save costs if needed.


Our space welcomes the use of masks, though mask use is optional. We utilize sanitization measures such as disinfectant spray and wipes. We encourage staff and clients to stay home if they are ill to prevent the spread of germs, which can negatively impact the assessment process for all clients.  


Neuropsychological assessments typically include additional batteries to evaluate the brain’s functions, beyond learning and mental health difficulties. Some components of neuropsychological testing overlap with psychological  and psychoeducational testing, but the neuropsychological tests are more detailed. Neuropsychological assessment are typically recommended when there are medical or brain-based issues believed to be impacting a client’s functioning, such as seizure disorders, traumatic brain injuries, chronic illness, etc.

While Dr. Ryan is not a neuropsychologist, in some situations, Dr. Ryan can assess clients with medical conditions, if the focus is on obtaining information about learning or mental health for school programming or mental health treatment. However, there is a higher risk that she may recommend further assessment with a neuropsychologist, depending on the findings of her assessment. We may have the good fortune of hiring a neuropsychologist for in person testing in the future.